Intelligent information

What is intelligent information?

Intelligent information is product information that is enriched with additional information. Thus, intelligent information knows the context in which it is needed.

It includes the right content for the right person at the right time, for the right product and for the right operating status. Intelligent information is networked and knows " related topics" as well as additional detailed or background information.

Adding Metadata to Information
- the Secret of Intelligent Information

Intelligent information is created when additional information regarding the context of the information is stored as metadata. For this purpose, the content is modularized and assigned to the context. For example, a manual consisting of image and text elements is assigned to the target group service technician, the corresponding product and the activity "maintenance" and the corresponding interval. When maintenance is required, this information can be played out via an app or the display of the corresponding device. The advantage: a time-consuming manual search is no longer necessary.

Intelligent information as the secret
of successful content delivery

In general linguistic terms, content delivery includes all applications and methods that deal with the situation- and context-dependent provision of information. We at Fischer Information Technology AG use the Sherlock information platform and the TIM component content management system within our Content Delivery. Intelligent information is the basis for the SaaS solution. Whether product information, video instructions or spare parts information, the requested knowledge is available to you in a user-oriented fashion.

Intelligent information = More benefits for your business

It is now understood that companies see data and information as the core of their value creation. With the help of intelligent information, you can generate revenue and added value. With the information collected, a company is able to develop a better understanding of its users. These include customers, employees and suppliers. At the same time, intelligent information helps support management decisions and identifies innovation potential.

RAB - Related topics (references):

  • Data integration and data management
  • Information management and digitization


  • Intelligent information knows the context in which it is needed - it finds the user when he needs it.
  • Intelligent information fits the specific situation - the target group, the product, the operating status, etc.
  • Intelligent information works on the end device of the respective user.
  • Intelligent information is always up-to-date.
  • Intelligent information is networked, it knows adjacent topics as well as additional detailed information and background information.
  • With metadata to Intelligent Information. This is how you secure an advantage for your company. The next level of technical documentation.

Further solutions

  • TIM

    Put your product information on a digital footing throughout: with the modern TIM editorial system for your digital technical communication.

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  • TIM Connect

    The plus for your product communication. Provide all participants along the value chain with complete and always up-to-date product information.

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  • Sherlock

    Databrain Sherlock intelligently networks information from corporate divisions & systems. The information platform thus creates new knowledge.

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